Terms of Service

Sukurta 25 Lapkritis, 2023 • 1 minutės skaitymui

By using our website and services, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our service.

User Accounts
  • Guest users can generate static QR codes with various content types without registration.
  • Registered users can save their work and customize QR codes.
  • Paid registered users have additional benefits, including the ability to generate dynamic QR codes with advanced features.
Duration of Paid Subscription

Paid subscriptions for registered users are on a monthly basis.

Restrictions on Content

All links are checked by the "Google Safe Browsing API."

Dynamic QR codes are restricted from using URLs leading to illegal websites, illegal activities, or adult content.

Limitations on Dynamic QR Codes

Paid users are limited to generating up to 50 dynamic QR codes.

Customization Guidelines

While there are no strict rules, users are advised to check customised QR codes before production.

User-Generated Content Moderation

User-generated content is not stored on our servers. For paid users, stored links are moderated using the "Google Safe Browsing API," and abuse reports may lead to link removal.


For assistance or inquiries, users can contact support via email at info@p9.lt.

Age Restrictions

There are no age restrictions, and registration is not mandatory. The service is deemed safe for users of all ages.

Refund Policy

There is a non-refund policy for SaaS, except in cases where the service is unavailable or out of order, in which case the service will be extended for the same period it was not available.

Usage Restrictions

The service is provided for fair use only. Paid users with API access may face limitations if misuse, such as spamming, is detected.

Modification of Terms

We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. Continued use of the service after modifications constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.